A Bit About Therapy
Therapy is a journey of integration—the integration of your mind and your body, the integration of your past and your present, and the integration of your values and your actions. Neurologically speaking, the work of therapy is quite literally the work of integrating areas of the brain through the growth of new neural pathways, allowing your brain to function with better harmony. An integrated brain leads to responsiveness rather than reactivity, choices rather than limitations, improved self-regulation, healthier relationships, greater self-awareness, and an ongoing path of personal growth.
Therapy is an accompanied journey. You are not alone as you wade through the pain and darkness of your life. Inside the holding space of the therapeutic relationship, an authentic encounter between two imperfect humans learning how to work together, it can finally be safe enough to heal. I believe in the restorative potential of reshaping the life story you tell about who you are and why you are here. My desire is for you to come to know your own story as redemptive, to realize an identity based on worth and self-compassion, and to discover more of the possibilities available to you rather than living with the limitations imposed by past wounds.
Therapy is a commitment to your past self; you are finally tending to the hurt caused or ignored by others.
Therapy is an investment in your future self; you are choosing greater freedom and unhampering your potential.
Therapy is a gift to the people in your life, both now and later—lovers, children, friends, family, colleagues, students or mentees, sometimes even strangers.
Please contact me at karyn@karynreschcounseling.com to schedule a consultation. For more information about my work, peruse my areas of focus here.